
How to Structure a Mentorship Program: A Complete Guide (+ Expert Tips)

From start to end, this guide walks you through best practices and expert insights on creating an impactful mentorship program.

Kinjal Dagli

Sr. Content Marketing Manager at Together

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September 28, 2023

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Mentorship programs play a crucial role in fostering professional growth and development within an organization. According to’s Mentoring in the Workplace report, a vast majority of companies (64%) have a mentoring program in place.

With a well-designed mentorship program, an organization can support the continuous learning and advancement of its employees. This process, in turn, creates a dynamic environment that produces tangible results, benefiting mentors, mentees, and the organization as a whole.

What is a mentorship program? 

A mentorship program is not a mere arrangement but a structured relationship. At its core, it involves an experienced individual, known as the mentor, who dedicates themselves to guiding, advising, and supporting a coworker, the mentee. 

But what sets a mentorship program apart from traditional teaching or training? It's the depth, the sense of connection, and the feeling of mutual respect in the relationship.

Mentoring transcends conventional instruction. Instead of just dispensing information, mentors share their lived experiences, their mistakes, their triumphs, and the wisdom they've garnered along the way. The mentee, in return, brings fresh perspectives, new challenges, and a fervour to learn and grow.

While mentorship can naturally emerge in workplaces and academic settings, a structured mentorship program adds intentionality to the process. It defines clear objectives, ensures the compatibility of participants, and sets the tone and pace of the engagement. This intentional approach ensures that both parties derive maximum value from the relationship.

Also, mentorship is not just confined to professional development. While it often covers areas like industry insights, career strategies, and skill enhancement, it can also touch upon personal growth facets. Discussions might range from work-life balance, managing stress, and even navigating personal challenges. 

In essence, a mentorship program is a holistic journey where both mentor and mentee evolve, not just as professionals, but as individuals.

What are the benefits of a mentorship program?

A mentorship journey is more than just a developmental exercise. It's an intricate balance of mutual growth, where both mentor and mentee reap significant benefits. While the mentee garners skills and insights, the mentor often rediscovers purpose and experiences personal evolution. 

If you’re still unsure whether you need such a program, here are 7 reasons why your organization needs a mentoring program.

Let's delve deeper into the multifaceted advantages that mentoring programs offer, both to individuals and organizations.

Professional skill development

Mentorship provides a real-world classroom. Here, mentees learn not just from textbooks but from the lived experiences of their mentors. This immersion results in enhanced skills, a broader knowledge base, and mastery in a specific domain. In fact, two-thirds of organizations surveyed by run mentorship programs to develop leadership skills in mentees and increase employee skill levels. 

Knowledge sharing

Every win and setback a mentor experiences can turn into a learning lesson. Mentors offer invaluable industry insights, best practices, and candid tales of their journey, giving mentees a leg up in their own paths.

Career advancement

A mentor can often see the latent potential in a mentee, guiding them to set audacious career goals, sharpen their leadership prowess, and adeptly maneuver organizational intricacies.

If you’re a mentee reading this, here’s how to get the most out of mentors at work.

Increased confidence

Positive reinforcement, objective feedback, and consistent encouragement from a trusted mentor can significantly boost a mentee's self-confidence and self-worth.

Networking opportunities

Mentorship can serve as a gateway to expanded professional networks, introducing mentees to key industry stakeholders, potential collaborators, and invaluable job opportunities.

Diverse perspectives

Engaging with mentors from varied backgrounds offers mentees a rich tapestry of perspectives. This diversity of thought can significantly enhance decision-making and problem-solving skills. Large organization surveyed by were found to especially place more emphasis on mentoring to support DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) initiatives.

Employee engagement and retention

Organizations with robust mentorship programs often enjoy better employee engagement. In fact, 63% surveyed by use mentorship as a way to increase engagement.

Mentees feel valued and welcomed, leading to increased loyalty and retention.

Step-by-Step Checklist For Enterprise Mentoring Programs

How to structure a mentorship program 

Crafting a successful mentorship program isn't serendipitous. It's methodical, intentional, and requires meticulous planning. Check out these 10+ Examples of successful mentoring programs.

Here’s a step-by-step process that you can emulate:

Set clear goals and objectives

One of the foundational pillars of a successful mentorship program is the establishment of clear and concise goals. For both mentors and mentees, understanding the direction and desired outcomes of the relationship is paramount. Without these, a mentorship program risks being unstructured and unfocused, leading to missed opportunities and potential disappointments.

For mentors, clear goals provide a roadmap to impart their knowledge and experiences in the most effective manner. For mentees, they provide a framework to gauge their development and understand what they hope to achieve from the relationship.

Organizations should ensure that the goals set for the mentorship program align with their broader objectives. For instance, if a company's objective is to build a culture of innovation and experimentation, the mentorship program might focus on developing specific skills like agile development, human-centered design, and customer research as well as increasing psychological safety at work so employees are assured their inputs are welcome.

Carefully select and match participants 

The crux of a mentorship program lies in the pairing of mentors and mentees. The selection process should be rigorous, ensuring that mentors possess the necessary skills, experience, and temperament to guide and support their mentees.

Mentees, on the other hand, should exhibit a genuine desire to learn and grow. Compatibility is vital. Shared objectives, similar interests, or complementary skills can serve as a foundation for a fruitful relationship.

Using platforms like Together can significantly streamline the matching process. With its robust features, it ensures that participants are paired based on shared goals and compatibility factors. A tool like this aids in laying down the groundwork for a successful mentorship journey.

Outline program guidelines and expectations

Setting out clear guidelines is essential for ensuring that all participants are on the same page. Topics to consider include:

  • Time Commitments: How often will mentors and mentees meet? Will there be a fixed duration for each meeting?
  • Communication Frequency: Establishing the frequency of communication prevents potential misunderstandings and ensures continuity.
  • Confidentiality: Trust is vital. Both parties should be confident that their discussions will remain confidential.
  • Type of mentoring: One-on-one mentoring or group mentoring programs with 1 or more mentors to oversee mentees? Check out all the different mentoring models to make an informed decision.

Realistic expectations should be set from the outset to ensure that both mentors and mentees have a clear understanding of their roles, responsibilities, and the potential outcomes of their partnership.

Develop a structured curriculum 

A mentorship program can benefit immensely from a well-structured curriculum. This could involve:

  • Formal Learning Sessions: These could be workshops or lectures that impart specific knowledge or skills.
  • Skill-building Activities: These can range from group exercises to individual assignments, focusing on real-world application.
  • Open Discussions: Frequent dialogues where mentees can discuss their challenges, seek advice, or share their progress.

Establish communication channels

Whether it's traditional face-to-face meetings, virtual mentoring on platforms like Zoom or Teams, or simple email exchanges, choosing the right mode of communication is crucial.

Regular and consistent communication is a cornerstone of effective mentorship. It fosters trust, ensures that mentees receive regular feedback, and helps in tracking progress.

Develop a process for monitoring and evaluation

The sustainability and success of a mentorship program rely heavily on the effective monitoring and evaluation of its processes and outcomes. These methods not only help in identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the program but also serve as a roadmap for its continual enhancement.

1. Regular check-ins and surveys: Conducting routine check-ins between mentors, mentees, and program administrators can help gauge the health of the mentorship relationship. Surveys can be used to gather quantitative data, such as satisfaction rates, and qualitative insights, like personal growth experiences or areas where support is lacking.

2. Goal tracking systems: Establishing a system where mentors and mentees can set, monitor, and achieve specific goals can provide tangible evidence of progress. Platforms like Trello or Asana, typically used for project management, can be repurposed to track these mentorship goals. Such systems offer a visual representation of what's been achieved and what's pending, making progress more discernible.

3. Feedback sessions: Scheduled feedback sessions, separate from regular mentorship meetings, can be immensely beneficial. These sessions can focus solely on discussing the dynamics of the mentorship relationship, areas of satisfaction, and points of contention. It's a safe space for both mentors and mentees to voice their opinions without the pressure of their typical roles.

4. Peer group discussions: Hosting group discussions with multiple mentors or mentees provides a platform to share experiences. These sessions can help identify common challenges or best practices, offering a more comprehensive view of the program's effectiveness.

5. Digital analytics and tools: For organizations using digital platforms for their mentorship programs, in-built analytics can offer insights. For instance, a tool like Together might track the frequency of interactions between a mentor and mentee, the completion rate of set tasks, or even the sentiment of communication. Such metrics can provide an objective assessment of the relationship's health.

Best practices to structure a mentorship program (Tips from 11 experts)

The success of mentorship programs doesn't lie merely in pairing individuals but in meticulously designing a framework that ensures both mentors and mentees derive tangible value.

So we asked 11 experts to chime in and share their thoughts.

P.S. We also have a tailored guide for leaders that want to make an impact with mentoring strategies.

Implement a three-step process 

Alexa Zahlada, Founder and CEO, TransferED Consulting recommends starting by surveying the audience you're interested in targeting with the program. Which areas do potential mentees need most support in? Group their needs into three to four clusters and think of mentors who could be of help in these critical areas.

Then, transition to the mentor side. Think about how you can entice mentors to give their time to the program? What's the value-add for them? Ideas include mentor networking sessions, sponsored career events, and social media spotlights of their work.

Finally, think about outreach and marketing. What are the best platforms to reach both parties? Create Google Forms to manage sign-ups and kick-start social media efforts to spread the word.

At the end of the day, it's about ensuring both parties—the mentors and mentees—are sure of the value they're receiving from the program. Survey them frequently to see what can be improved. Implementing their suggestions will make them feel heard and more engaged in the program.

Emphasize emotional intelligence checkpoints

In structuring his own program, Bayu Prihandito, Psychology Expert, Life Coach, Founder, Life Architekture, has found that integrating "emotional intelligence checkpoints" can be incredibly impactful. Given his expertise, he believes that the quality of the interpersonal relationship between mentor and mentee is often what makes or breaks the experience. 

This particular concept involves scheduled, intentional conversations where we discuss not just professional goals and skill development, but also the emotional dynamics of our interaction. 

Bayu recommends asking questions like, "Do you feel genuinely understood?" or "Is there something we could do to make our communication more effective?" 

These checkpoints require honesty, empathy, and openness. They engage us on a level of self-reflection and dialogue that goes beyond the usual, more formal progress updates, leading to a more trustworthy, meaningful, and impactful relationship.

Make mentorship a two-way street

John Ross, CEO, Test Prep Insight suggests building a mentorship program is to structure the relationship as a two-way street.

“Don't rely on the classic mentor-mentee relationship, where a tenured employee provides advice downstream to a younger, greener employee. No, no, no. These relationships are much deeper and become incredibly more fruitful when the advice flows both ways. And if you're wondering what a low-level, new hire can provide to a senior manager in terms of mentorship, I would say a lot actually.”

Greener team members can offer supremely useful advice on how to better manage down, what younger employees are looking for in terms of benefits and professional development, and tech tips. So build your mentorship program on the mutual flow of advice.

Focus on individualized guidance

Johannes Larsson, Founder and CEO, believes in focusing on individualized guidance and support.

“As someone who helps other entrepreneurs, I believe that tailoring the program to meet the specific needs and goals of each of them is key.”

Johannes starts by setting specific goals and objectives for the mentee. This helps them understand what they want to achieve from the mentorship and gives us a direction to work towards. They then create a timeline or roadmap, breaking down the steps needed to reach those goals. Jai Chaggar, Director of Customer Success at Together, echoes the sentiment. A tailored mentorship program has far greater impact.

“Consider the program’s target, whether it be career development, DEIB, onboarding or a global community. Customization is key; ensure the program caters specifically to its primary use case,” says Jai Chaggar, Director of Customer Success at Together.

Personalized guidance allows mentees to receive targeted support that addresses their specific challenges and aspirations. Also, since every employee is unique, so tailoring the program to their specific needs will yield the most impactful results.

Run a growth leadership program

Jarir Mallah, Human Resources Manager, Ling App runs a Growth Leadership Program, whereby future leaders are identified and selected to attend biweekly mentorship.

It is up to the selected employees whether they wish to accept. Some do, and some don't, which helps Jarir further recognize those who are up for mentoring. Their CGO runs these sessions with six members at the moment. He shares readings to discuss during each session, or videos in context to discuss.

“It's a roundtable-type discussion where everyone gets a chance to share and ask questions. It's worked really well to identify, from that talent pool, who is ready, willing, and able to move to the next tier.”

For more mentorship program ideas like this one, read our guide that contains 20+ mentoring activities and pairing formats.

Establish clear mentorship timelines

Robert Kaskel, Chief People Officer, Checkr encourages creating clear mentorship timelines so you can ensure regular check-ins and goal-setting happen for every pair.

“You should also include program evaluations for the mentor and mentee along the timeline so you can see how well you're measuring up to expectations and effectively fostering professional relationships.” 

If you leave evaluations to the end of the year (or other set period), you could miss out on important details as reviews aren't written with a fresh memory. You also miss out on the chance to spot mentorship issues and nip them in the bud.

Balance structure with flexibility

While a structured curriculum is hugely helpful for mentorship programs, Kaelan MacNeill, Learning, Growth, & Team Enablement Leader, believes there has to be space for flexibility. 

“There should be a really clear structure for mentors/mentees on how the mentoring relationship will work, but there should also be adequate flexibility for them to make it their own. Part of the magic of a mentorship pairing is the authentic relationship that emerges - make sure there’s space for that relationship to flourish.” 

Pair and coach based on goals

Michael Alexis, CEO, shares an effective way to structure a mentorship program — pair mentors and mentees based on each other's experience levels, goals, and interests. 

“One strategy I found successful was allowing mentor-mentee pairs to act as coaches for one another within the program. This approach encouraged vertical conversations by giving both parties the opportunity to learn from each other rather than just one party imparting knowledge on the other. Mentors could provide guidance while mentees suggested fresh ideas or challenges; this ultimately helped both participants grow professionally and gain invaluable insights into their field of interest.”

But when it comes to choosing the right mentor-mentee pairing, Keagan McMahon, Implementation Manager (IM) at Together, believes in being more flexible with the pairing.

“Aim for a less restrictive set of pairing rules and encourage users to pair outside of what they would assume their ideal mentor might be. You never know what you might learn from someone you didn’t expect to engage with at your organization!”

Set the right cadence for the program

Jai and Keagan from Together both recommend maintaining a regular cadence for mentoring sessions.

While Jai suggests weekly, bi-weekly, monthly touchpoints and leveraging reminders to ensure pairings are moving along at the outlined cadence, Keagan believes in having at least 1 session a month.

Connect the program to employee resource groups

Marnix Broer, Co-Founder and CEO, Studocu suggests connecting mentorship programs to Employee Resource Groups (ERGs).

“Since we're naturally drawn to people like ourselves, traditional mentorship has some unintended negative consequences - similar people stay in power and help the next generation do the same,” says Marnix Broer, CEO of Studocu.

By being really intentional about mentorship and ensuring these programs help diverse and underrepresented groups equitably, we can remove some of those invisible barriers to success. One easy way to improve DEIB efforts in mentorship is to partner with ERGs that represent diverse backgrounds, cultures, sexual orientations, genders, and more. 

ERGs can connect great employees to mentorship programs and work with leadership to point out the weak spots and work to improve inclusion efforts. When diverse employees see people like them leading and participating, they feel encouraged to do the same.

Nurture growth through mentorship with Together

When we asked employee development experts what the biggest barriers to mentorship today are, this is what we heard:

  • A lack of HR budget
  • A lack of sufficient number of mentors to support mentee-base
  • Not enough buy-in from leadership into HR initiatives or programs like mentorship
  • Admins feeling “too busy” to run a program or like it will be a “heavy lift” 
  • Difficulty capturing the Impact of mentorship
    Mentorship platforms like Together make it easy for people leaders to not only run mentorship programs you can monitor and track but also make it easier for program managers with a user-friendly system that does all the heavy lifting for them.

With Together, you can pair mentors and mentees via the customizable pairing algorithm at scale, calculate the real ROI of mentorship programs, and integrate it with apps you use on the go to make your programs more impactful. 

Want to easily implement mentorship programs? See what Together can do for you!

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