Gen Z employees in the workplace

Mentoring programs

6 Ways organizations can support mentoring relationships among employees

Want to know how your organization can support mentoring relationships among employees? Discover the best ways to create positive connections between workers.

Noah Edis

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May 19, 2023

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Everyone can relate to going on a first date with a new love interest and crossing their fingers, hopeful they'll find that ever-elusive quality: chemistry. While it may be tempting to let employees choose their mentors and mentees naturally, chemistry often fizzles out without commitment and common ground to back it up. 

All is not lost, however, because a formal mentoring program can counter this drop-out effect. This article will examine the ways businesses can support mentoring relationships among employees. 

By the end of this article, you will better understand how you can create an effective program to ensure these connections are successful and beneficial to both parties. Let's dive in and explore how businesses can lend a hand to ensure mentoring relationships among employees are successful.

eBook How To Fast-Track Employee Learning With Colleague Connections  

What makes a mentoring relationship successful?

It's not as simple as taking a “cut and paste” approach to mentoring relationships. Here are a few tips that you can apply in your organization to increase the value gained from every mentor-mentee connection:

  • Search for someone who aligns with your values. A successful mentoring relationship is built on trust and respect, so it’s essential to find a mentor whose values you can relate to. 
  • Find a mentor who can provide advice on your specific career path. Make sure the mentor has relevant experience in the field you want to pursue. 
  • Ensure your mentor will not only support but also challenge you. Look for someone who will encourage your growth and push you to reach your goals. 
  • Set SMART goals. Goals should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. 
  • Connect often. Consistent communication is vital to maintain the mentoring relationship. 
  • Ask for feedback. Make sure to ask questions and get feedback from your mentor regularly. 
  • Apply what you learn. Put the advice into action to gain maximum benefit from the relationship.

By implementing these tips, your employees will reap more significant benefits from your mentorship program.

Why should organizations support mentoring relationships among employees?

Workplace mentoring relationships aren’t just a win-win for the mentor and mentee; they're also a win for the company. Investing in these connections can have a ripple effect across the whole organization, resulting in increased morale and productivity, improved job satisfaction, enhanced team collaboration, and knowledge sharing. 

Not only does employee mentoring foster an environment of growth for both mentor and mentee but also for the company as a whole. Here are some more specific benefits:


  • Increased job satisfaction and motivation. 
  • Improved understanding of their role in the organization.
  • Opportunity to develop leadership skills by guiding junior employees.


  • Access to experienced professionals who can provide advice, support, and guidance on career development topics.
  • A chance to learn from those with more experience in the field.
  • An opportunity for personal growth & development. 


  • Increased employee engagement can lead to improved performance and productivity within the organization. 
  • Diversification of ideas, experiences, and perspectives within the workplace can improve problem-solving skills. 
  • Improved knowledge transfer amongst employees, encouraging a culture of learning and development.

When a company supports employee mentorship programs, everyone benefits. Win-win-win.

6 Ways organizations support mentoring relationships among employees

Mentoring can take many forms, from senior-level mentors guiding more junior colleagues through their career path to peer mentorship that provides support and knowledge within a specific skill set or industry. 

Whatever form it takes, organizations have an essential role in creating an environment that promotes and supports these vital relationships. The following is a list of actionable steps companies can use to encourage such relationships among employees.

1. Use mentoring software

Mentoring software facilitates mentor-mentee pairings, provides the tools to manage and measure those relationships, and ensures that both parties receive value from the experience. 

Features of mentoring software include: 

  • Customizable algorithms to make matches between mentors and mentees based on their skillsets, interests, or goals 
  • Calendar integrations that make it easy for mentors and mentees to schedule meetings or check-ins with one another 
  • Access to employee handbooks, agendas, tips, and other resources to help mentor-mentee relationships stay organized and productive 
  • Automated notifications that remind mentors and mentees of upcoming meetings or deadlines 
  • Ability to measure the impact of the mentoring relationship through surveys, feedback forms, etc. 

When you use mentoring software to build your program, you can be sure no details will fall through the cracks.

2. Create an agenda for goal-setting

When you create a clear and meaningful agenda, it helps the mentor and mentee to stay on track during their meetings. It also allows each of them to be accountable for achieving their goals. 

When creating this agenda, make sure that it has room for improvement and growth opportunities. Ask yourself what steps both parties must take and what topics should be discussed. 

Make sure that both people feel comfortable discussing obstacles and that there is enough time for feedback from either side. Additionally, make sure the goals are specific and measurable.

3. Co-creation

Creating an environment where everyone feels like they have the opportunity to contribute ideas, knowledge, and experiences will build a solid mentoring culture. Companies should focus on building trust within teams, encouraging collaboration and communication, and providing resources for team members to explore their interests or develop new skills. 

Inviting mentors from outside the organization can be a great way to stimulate new conversations that might not otherwise happen in-house. 

Additionally, businesses should look into offering rewards or recognition for those who participate in these programs as it encourages participation and highlights success stories. 

4. Employee mentoring circle

Similar to group mentoring, this approach comprises a small cluster of members and one facilitator, each with different skills, experiences, and perspectives. This paradigm provides a more personal learning environment than group mentoring as it allows the members time to connect in a more intimate setting while still having someone there to help guide the conversation. 

The facilitator’s role is critical when creating a successful mentoring circle – they should ensure that conversations remain on-topic while allowing for organic discussions. They should also ensure that everyone has the opportunity to speak and be heard while creating a safe space for honest dialogue and feedback. 

The benefits of using mentoring circles include:

  • Fostering relationships among peers
  • Boosting morale by providing an outlet for meaningful conversations
  • Developing leadership skills in members
  • Helping employees learn from each other’s experiences
  • Creates a safe space for introverted employees to participate at their own speed
  • Encourages accountability from both mentors and mentees

Mentoring circles can provide an excellent platform for individuals to share their stories and develop deeper connections through shared understanding and empathy.

5. Check-ins

Scheduled check-ins are vital for mentors and mentees, but they are also a great way for organizations to support peer mentoring and provide relationship guidance. During check-ins, HR and people ops teams should focus on providing resources and advice that help guide both parties through their career journey. 

Here are some things you can do during check-ins: 

  • Establish clear goals and objectives that both parties agree on, or make adjustments as necessary 
  • Provide feedback on progress made towards those goals 
  • Check in with each party to ensure there is still alignment with the objectives 
  • Offer resources and suggestions to help foster the relationship and ensure a successful outcome 
  • Discuss challenges or difficulties that either party is facing, and provide advice on how to overcome them 

Check-ins at all levels help keep mentoring relationships between employees on track and accountable while also assisting organizations to stay informed about their progress. It’s important to remember these check-ins should be tailored to each mentorship relationship, as every situation is different.

If you’re struggling to create employee matches in the first place, Together has you covered. By effortlessly matching workers for rapid or mini-mentoring sessions, we have the know-how you need to get the ball rolling.

6. Organize mentoring workshops

Before jumping headlong into any new program, organizations should lay some groundwork by hosting mentoring workshops. These pre-emptive seminars provide a platform to establish the program’s key objectives and goals, set participant expectations, start conversations around how different team members can benefit from being mentors or mentees, and more. 

Mentoring workshops create an opportunity for everyone to get on the same page before diving into their mentorship relationships. They give organizations a chance to introduce the topic of mentorship in a formal setting and explain why it matters. 

Bottom line

By taking the time to understand the importance of mentoring relationships among employees, organizations can reap many benefits. Establishing a culture of support and collaboration between mentors and mentees can help boost morale, improve job satisfaction, and increase team productivity. 

Organizations can further support these initiatives by setting agendas, scheduling check-ins, or encouraging a culture of co-creation that will help facilitate these mentor/mentee relationships. 

At Together, we specialize in creating custom-tailored mentorship workshops for companies looking to take their team-building efforts one step further. Our platform makes it easy to connect mentors with mentees while providing tools for managing communication and progress tracking. 

By investing in these mentoring relationships, organizations can create an atmosphere of mutual respect and support that will help foster a positive work environment. So if you're looking to take your team-building efforts to the next level, book a demo with Together to learn more about our mentorship platform.

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