Diversity and inclusion

6 Examples of Diversity and Inclusion Strategies to Strengthen Workplace DEI

Want to increase workplace DEI? Here are 6 diversity and inclusion strategy examples to help you create your own DEI strategy.

Ryan Carruthers

Published on 

February 18, 2022

Updated on 

July 25, 2024

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A workplace diversity and inclusion strategy—also referred to as diversity, equity, and inclusion or DEI strategy—is not just corporate doublespeak. Promoting DEI in the workplace is key to boosting productivity, employee engagement, and your bottom line.

In this article, learn how to incorporate DEI in the workplace.

eBook Attract, Retain, Engage, And Develop Your Diverse Talent

Why is a workplace diversity and inclusion strategy critical in 2024? 

Companies that take DEI in the workplace seriously will see a number of benefits that companies without a clear workplace diversity and inclusion strategy won’t. These include attracting top talent, more innovation, and more revenue. 

Attracting talent

Diversity and inclusivity are terms that refer to mobility in the workplace. Employees want to work for an organization where there is room for advancement, so creating a DEI recruiting strategy is key.

Initiatives that promote DEI in the workplace signal to others that opportunity is available to all, regardless of background or gender. Moreover, employees that work for companies with diversity and inclusion strategies will be more engaged and less likely to leave.

Diverse teams produce diverse ideas

Workplaces should aim to represent the society they operate in, which means having workers from different backgrounds. These different perspectives in the workplace can lead to more innovative answers to customers’ problems. DEI initiatives in the workplace present new opportunities for additional revenue streams. 

The data says diverse companies do better

Research has found that organizations with clear diversity and inclusion strategies do better financially when compared to companies that do not make an effort to be inclusive. One study by BCG found that organizations with higher diversity scores were 45 percent more likely to see bigger revenue. 

Unfortunately, while many can agree that workplaces should hold advancement opportunities for everyone, employers can be slow to enact strategies that support verbal commitment.

6 diversity and inclusion strategy examples

So, we’ve seen how crucial diversity and inclusion efforts are for organizations, but how do companies put those plans into action? Here are some DEI strategy examples.

Mentorship programs

Mentorship offers employees a chance to learn, grow, and develop a respect for different perspectives. Through a mentor, mentees can come to appreciate different ways of looking at situations or problems. It can not only expand their knowledge and help them understand new ways to approach issues, but also increase their visibility and opportunities within the company.

Diverse mentoring programs can take that a step further for employees from a minority demographic. When paired with someone from the same background, it can encourage employees. They’ll be able to see and learn how they too can succeed at your organization. 

But mentoring programs can also be used to pair employees from different backgrounds, particularly those in leadership positions. Matching company leaders with minority employees can promote understanding and respect. Leaders can learn about the challenges that various employees face, which they can use to develop strategies for diversity and inclusion to help workers overcome these problems. 

Peer learning

The knowledge your employees hold is your most valuable asset. Giving your employees the power to share that knowledge doesn’t just nurture professional growth, but plays into your diversity strategy. Providing employees the tools and opportunities to contribute and share creates an environment where everybody feels empowered to present their unique perspectives and skills.

Peer mentorship—or buddy programs—help colleagues connect through shared skills and goals, helping them learn together without the formality of mentor/mentee or leadership guidance. Another form of peer learning is to open up opportunities for the broader company through events like workshops, lunch & learns, or expert panels to promote more workplace DEI.

Peer learning opportunities help your employees progress their career by giving equal access to explore new skills, learn best practices, and gain confidence to grow. 

Employee Resource Groups (ERGs)

Many organizations have seen the rise of Employee Resource Groups or ERGs. These are support groups that are started and run by employees and for employees. While company leadership can help advocate for ERGs, they are not often a part of the group itself. 

Within ERGs, employees can build connections and find support and resources at their organization that can help them take more control over their career path.

ERGs don’t just benefit employees, but the company as a whole. These groups create a sense of community and belonging which boosts engagement and job satisfaction. Finding support through an ERG supports your diversity and inclusion strategies while building a stronger, more cohesive company culture.

Workplace DEI training

A critical step to developing diverse and inclusive workplaces is to get everyone on the same page. This is where workplace DEI training can benefit your employees. Diversity and inclusion strategies in the workplace may require individuals to challenge their personal biases. While this may be a challenge, it is necessary. 

Look for programs that help employees understand the benefits and values of collaborating and cooperating with each other, regardless of background or demographics. These may be presentations by minority employees or video training programs. You may even want to use a variety of online training and group sessions so that employees can get practice putting what they’ve learned into play. Diversity strategy examples like this are key parts to any plan.

Sponsorship programs

Some employees have a more difficult time gaining visibility and finding opportunities for advancement at your organization. CNBC reports that 80 percent of jobs are filled through networking—this is where sponsorship programs can provide some benefit to your employees while advancing diversity and inclusion strategies in the workplace. 

Sponsorship connects employees with others in the company that can help them advance their careers. Similar to mentorship, sponsorship has the added benefit of the senior employee advocating for their protegee in a more active way. For example, an African American woman in a leadership position can promote another African American woman for a job higher up in the company. 

An important element of a sponsorship program includes learning and growth for the sponsee, helping them develop their leadership or networking skills so that they advance in your organization. It creates opportunities for that employee to sponsor other employees in the future, growing your diversity & inclusion strategy.

Have leadership establish core values

Employees will take direction from company leadership when it comes to DEI programs in the workplace. This is why it is important for your executives to establish core values, promote those values, and be an example of those values. In other words, leadership should be role models for employees. 

One of the ways that leadership can support diversity strategies in the workplace is to listen to employees’ needs and respond. Consider some ways to celebrate diversity in your workplace. Help employees get to know each other through social events that celebrate certain traditions of other cultures. 

Level up your diversity and inclusion strategy

Diversity strategies in the workplace are the way forward for companies in the 21st century. Whether you have initiatives already up and running or are just planning how you can guide your company in this way, having a strategy is key. 

Creating a more diverse workplace requires commitment and plan. Here are some DEI strategy examples you can include in your plan:

  • Workplace mentoring programs
  • ERGs
  • Inclusivity training
  • Sponsorship programs
  • Have company leadership establish core values

Using these inclusion strategies in the workplace can help strengthen the work you’ve already done to promote a more inclusive workplace culture.

 Find out how Together’s mentoring platform can enhance your organization’s DEI initiatives in the workplace.

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