employee engagement

Top 7 Employee Engagement Best Practices

Explore the top 7 employee engagement best practices for a motivated and productive team. Transform your workplace now!

Nathan Goldstein

Co-founder of Together

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October 25, 2023

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How employees feel about their work is a significant driver of organizational success. 

Engaged employees who feel a sense of commitment towards their employer are more productive and creative than their disengaged colleagues. As a result, organizations with highly engaged employees are 23% more likely to outperform their less engaged counterparts.

Simply put, employee engagement is the fuel that powers high-performance organizations.

But how do you foster a culture of engagement and create a workforce that’s not just present but passionately involved?

In this article, we delve into the best practices of engagement that will help you develop and sustain effective engagement initiatives at your organization. 

What is employee engagement?

Employee engagement in the workplace is all about how much employees are truly committed to their jobs and the company they work for. 

When people are engaged, they don't just show up to work; they put their hearts and minds into what they do. They're enthusiastic, motivated, and committed to their tasks and the company's goals.

Why does this matter?

Engaged employees tend to be more productive because they're excited about their work. They care about the company's success and work harder, smarter, and more efficiently. They help you in creating a positive workplace where everyone is committed to the company’s goals. 

Plus, engaged employees are likely to stick around, reducing turnover and saving the company money.

What are the benefits of employee engagement?

High employee engagement doesn't just make employees happier, it also significantly impacts an organization’s overall health and success. 

On the employee side of things, engaged workers are more satisfied with their jobs, less likely to experience stress or burnout, and are generally more enthusiastic about coming to work each day. This leads to a more positive work environment where individuals feel valued, supported, and motivated to give their best. 

From an organizational perspective, the benefits of high employee engagement are equally profound. Companies with engaged employees tend to experience lower turnover rates, which means they save on recruitment and training costs and maintain a more experienced workforce. Engaged employees are more innovative and customer-oriented, leading to improved service quality and client satisfaction. 

Here are some key benefits of having a highly engaged and committed workforce, according to a meta-analysis conducted by Gallup:

  • Increased productivity - Engaged employees tend to be 18% more productive.
  • Higher retention rates -  Companies with engaged employees experience 43% less turnover.
  • Lower absenteeism - Businesses with higher employee engagement experience 81% lower absenteeism than their counterparts.
  • Improved employee well-being - Engaged employees report 27% less stress and 49% less burnout.
  • Enhanced customer satisfaction - Engaged employees contribute to 10% higher customer satisfaction.
  • Higher profits - Organizations with high employee engagement are 23% more profitable.

7 Best practices of employee engagement in 2023

Many people associate employee engagement initiatives with perks and benefits like complimentary gym memberships. However, in truth, they encompass a wide range of strategies and best practices aimed at inspiring your team to excel and exceed the fundamental job expectations.

The best practices of employee engagement are part of a broader program designed to keep employees happy and enthusiastic about their work. Here are seven of the top best practices of employee engagement that will help you create a highly engaged and productive workplace culture.  

1. Invest in professional development 

Investing in the professional development of people is a cornerstone of fostering employee engagement. 

Learning opportunities enhance employees' skills and contribute significantly to their job satisfaction. 94% of employees would stay at a company longer if it invested in their career development.

When employees see that their organization is committed to their growth, they're more likely to feel valued and engaged in their roles.

To provide growth opportunities, organizations can offer various avenues for learning and advancement. Implementing mentorship programs is a particularly effective method. 

Seasoned employees can share their wisdom and experience with newer colleagues, fostering a culture of knowledge-sharing and innovation. 

Mentoring software like Together streamline and enhance these programs, making it easier for employees to connect, communicate, and set goals. This technology not only simplifies the mentorship process but also helps organizations track progress and measure the impact of these initiatives, ensuring that employee growth aligns with organizational objectives.

2. Leverage effective leadership

Effective leadership is pivotal in employee engagement because it sets the tone for the entire organization. 

When leaders demonstrate strong communication, empathy, and a clear vision, employees are more likely to feel valued and inspired. They need to see that their managers are not just there to give orders but to guide, support, and listen to their concerns. 

It's the leadership's responsibility to create an environment where employees feel motivated and empowered to perform at their best. Encouraging regular one-on-one meetings between managers and employees can promote open dialogue and trust. 

Additionally, setting a clear vision and goals for the organization, along with providing regular feedback and recognition, can inspire employees to stay engaged and committed to their work. 

3. Foster teamwork and collaboration

Companies with collaborative teams are 5.5 times more likely to be high-performing. This is because when employees work together cohesively, they are more motivated and satisfied with their jobs. 

By fostering a collaborative environment, organizations empower employees to work together harmoniously, share knowledge, and generate innovative solutions. This, in turn, cultivates a more engaged and satisfied workforce, positively impacting productivity and overall business performance.

Team-building activities and events are effective in strengthening the bonds among team members. These activities improve working relationships and cultivate trust, which is pivotal to employee engagement. 

4. Create a robust feedback culture

Cultivating a strong feedback culture that facilitates constant communication up and down the organizational hierarchy is instrumental in keeping employee engagement levels high. 

It helps individuals understand their strengths, areas for improvement, and how their contributions align with organizational goals, ultimately fostering a sense of purpose and job satisfaction. Constructive feedback also helps employees identify skills gaps, and sets them on a path to upskilling and career development.

Consider the example of Adobe Systems, which replaced its annual performance reviews with a real-time feedback system. This shift led to increased employee engagement and, subsequently, a 30% reduction in voluntary turnover. Employees felt more valued and engaged because they received ongoing feedback, knowing their opinions mattered and were genuinely considered.

To nurture a feedback loop, businesses can implement regular check-ins or one-on-one meetings where managers and employees can discuss progress, address concerns, and set individual and collective goals. 

5. Acknowledge and reward good work

Employee recognition and employee engagement go hand in hand. A study by Gallup found that employees who receive regular praise are more invested in their work. Another survey by Quantum Workplace found that when employees believe they will be recognized, they are 2.7 times more likely to be highly engaged.

When employees are recognized and appreciated for their hard work and contributions, it sends a powerful message that their efforts are valued and vital to the organization. This creates a positive work environment where individuals feel supported, respected, and motivated to give their best. In turn, it fuels their commitment to the organization, resulting in higher engagement and productivity. 

Both formal and informal employee recognition methods can be effective in making employees feel valued and appreciated for their hard work and contributions. From verbal praise and thank-you notes to awards and prizes, employee recognition in any form triggers a sense of pride and commitment among employees.

6. Develop a bench of good managers 

Managers hold a critical role in fostering employee engagement, as they serve as the bridge between organizational leadership and the workforce. 

They are not just supervisors but also mentors, motivators, and communicators. Their interactions with their teams have a profound impact on engagement levels. In fact, research shows that approximately 70% of the variance in employee engagement is influenced by a manager's actions.

Effective managers provide clear guidance, set expectations, and maintain an approachable and supportive demeanor. They actively listen to their team members, offer constructive feedback, and acknowledge their contributions.

Imagine a manager who regularly meets with their team, discusses their career goals, and provides opportunities for skill development. This kind of engagement fosters an environment where employees feel valued, heard, and inspired to excel. 

On the flip side, disengaged or unsupportive managers can lead to demotivation and even attrition. Therefore, for businesses to maintain high engagement levels, it is crucial to choose managers carefully and train them to reflect the workplace culture they want to foster. 

7. Cultivate a culture of knowledge-sharing

Fostering a culture of knowledge-sharing isn't just good practice; it's a potent driver of employee engagement and business excellence.

When knowledge flows freely within an organization, employees feel more empowered, motivated, and equipped to do their jobs. And as employees become more empowered and motivated, their engagement naturally flourishes. 

They see their work as meaningful and fulfilling. They understand how their contributions fit into the larger picture, leading to a heightened sense of purpose. They also become more committed to the organization's goals, as they recognize the direct link between their efforts and the company's success.

Achieve higher engagement through your mentorship program

You know what's a great way to get employees more involved? Mentorship. If you're wondering where to kick things off, try setting up a mentorship program. When you pair up your team members with mentors, they not only become more engaged, but they also form lasting bonds.

Think of mentoring as this awesome tool to spark a growth mindset and speed up how fast employees learn and grow. It can make your company the place to be for professional development, teamwork, and well-being. In the long run? That spells success.

With Together, you can tap into this potential even faster.

Want to see Together software in action? Let's set up a demo.

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