learning and development

What Is Skills-Based Learning And Why Is It Important?

Struggling to bridge the skills gap? Discover how skills-based learning empowers your workforce with in-demand skills for better performance & growth.

Jai Chaggar

Director of Customer Success at Together

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April 16, 2024

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Up to 70% of learning and development professionals report difficulty bridging the skills gap in their organizations.  Feeling the pinch?  

In today's dynamic workplace, equipping your employees with the right skills isn't a luxury – it's essential for success.  This is where skills-based learning comes in. 

Forget generic training; skills-based learning focuses on developing the specific abilities your employees need to excel in their roles and contribute meaningfully to your organization.  

Let's dive into how this powerful approach can empower your workforce and drive your business forward. 

What is skills-based learning?

Ever feel like training programs miss the mark? Skills-based learning flips the script. 

Also known as competency-based learning, skill-based learning focuses on developing the specific abilities your employees need to excel in their roles. This targeted approach bridges skill gaps, boosts performance, and keeps your team engaged.

Think of it this way: Traditional training often takes a "one-size-fits-all" approach. Everyone gets the same lecture, regardless of their specific needs. Skills-based learning, on the other hand, recognizes that each employee has unique strengths and needs. It's personalized, focusing on employee competencies – the specific skills needed to perform a job effectively. This shift allows you to create targeted learning experiences that address an individual’s skill gap and weaknesses.

Here's the magic: By focusing on practical skills development, you unlock a treasure trove of benefits:

  • Boosted engagement - When learning directly translates to better job performance, employees feel motivated and invested in their development.
  • Reduced turnover - When employees feel skilled and valued, they're more likely to stick around.
  • Increased productivity - Focused training on in-demand skills empowers your team to work smarter, not harder.

So, skills-based learning goes beyond simply checking training completion boxes. It empowers your employees with the tools they need to succeed, driving performance and building a resilient organization for the future.

In the next section, we'll delve deeper into the specific benefits of skills-based training and how it can address your organization's unique needs.

Benefits of skills-based learning

From boosting employee performance to fostering a culture of continuous learning, here's how skills-based learning programs can empower your workforce and drive business success.

1. Enhanced employee performance

Skills-based learning isn't theoretical; it equips your employees with the specific competencies needed to excel in their roles. This targeted approach directly translates to improved job performance. A study by the Association for Talent Development (ATD) found that 72% of organizations experience higher levels of individual employee performance by establishing a culture of learning. 

For instance, a sales team undergoing skills-based learning in negotiation techniques not only becomes more adept at closing deals but also demonstrates increased confidence and autonomy in handling client interactions. This enhanced skill set translates into tangible results, such as higher conversion rates and increased revenue generation.

2. Improved adaptability and agility

The world of work is constantly evolving.  Skills-based learning promotes adaptability and agility within your organization. By focusing on ongoing skill development, you prepare your workforce to navigate change effectively. Whether it's a new technological advancement, a shift in market trends, or evolving business needs, your employees are equipped to adapt their skill set and keep pace.

For example, during the COVID-19 pandemic, companies that had already integrated skills-based learning into their culture were better positioned to transition to remote work. By upskilling employees in areas such as virtual collaboration and remote project management, these organizations maintained operational continuity and competitive advantage amidst unprecedented challenges.

3. Talent development and retention

Skills-based learning not only attracts top talent but also fosters a culture of continuous improvement that enhances employee satisfaction and retention. Research by Gallup reveals that 87% of millennials consider professional development opportunities crucial in their decision to stay with an organization.

Companies like SAS have implemented robust skills-based learning programs, offering employees access to a diverse range of courses and certifications. This commitment to talent development not only attracts high-caliber professionals seeking growth opportunities but also cultivates a loyal and engaged workforce, reducing turnover costs and preserving institutional knowledge.

4. Relevance and practicality

Forget memorizing facts that may never be used. Skills-based learning focuses on practical skills directly applicable to your employees' day-to-day work. This ensures the knowledge and abilities gained through training translate into real-world improvements and enhance employability.

For instance, technical skills such as coding or project management methodologies are directly applicable to real-world scenarios, making employees more competitive in the job market and better equipped to tackle workplace challenges.

5. Improved employee engagement and motivation

Skills-based learning ditches the passive lecture approach. It often involves interactive and hands-on learning experiences, making the process engaging and fostering intrinsic motivation.  Employees are more invested in learning that directly impacts their work and allows them to see the practical applications of new skills. This leads to deeper learning, better knowledge retention, and a more enthusiastic workforce.

By incorporating simulations, gamification elements, and collaborative learning activities, you can create a dynamic and stimulating learning environment that keeps employees excited to learn and develop their skill set.

So, by prioritizing targeted skill development, you can unlock a range of benefits – from enhanced performance and improved agility to employee retention and a more engaged workforce.  In the next sections, we'll explore how to implement skills-based learning programs within your organization.

eBook Develop your high-potential employees with mentors

Challenges in implementing skills-based learning 

While the benefits of skills-based learning are undeniable, implementing these programs within your organization can come with its own set of hurdles. Here's a look at some common challenges and how to navigate them:

1. Identifying skill gaps

The foundation for a skills-based organization is a clear understanding of your workforce's current skill set and the skills needed for success. This can involve conducting skills assessments, performance reviews, and even employee surveys.

Tip: Utilize a skills gap analysis framework to systematically identify discrepancies between current skills and desired competencies.

2. Designing relevant learning content

Off-the-shelf training programs rarely hit the mark.  The key is to develop targeted learning content that directly addresses the identified skill gaps within your organization. This might involve creating custom eLearning modules, conducting micro-learning sessions on specific topics, or partnering with external training providers who specialize in developing skills-based learning experiences.

Tip: Involve your subject matter experts (SMEs) during content development. Their real-world insights will ensure the learning materials are practical and relevant to your employees' daily tasks.

3.  Measuring the effectiveness of learning

Demonstrating the ROI of your skills-based learning programs is crucial.  Go beyond simply tracking completion rates. Look for metrics that showcase the impact of training on performance improvement. This could involve measuring changes in customer satisfaction scores, sales figures, or project completion times after training interventions.

Tip: Utilize pre- and post-training assessments to gauge knowledge acquisition and skill development.

Remember: While challenges exist, they can be overcome with careful planning and a commitment to creating a culture of continuous learning within your organization.  The next section will explore strategies for designing effective skills-based learning programs.

Crystal Black, Sr. L&D Specialist at AAA, talks about how mentorship is revolutionizing the learning culture at AAA.

How to design effective skills-based learning programs

Now that you've grasped the power of skills-based learning, let's dive into practical strategies for building impactful programs:

1. Conduct needs assessment

Before diving headfirst into training modules, take a step back. Conduct a thorough skills assessment to identify your workforce's current skill set and the competencies needed for success in their specific roles. This could involve:

  • Skills gap analysis - Analyze job descriptions, industry trends, and future challenges to identify the skills needed.
  • Performance reviews - Analyze performance data to pinpoint areas where skill development can lead to improvement.
  • Employee surveys - Get employee input on their learning needs and preferred learning styles.

2. Align learning objectives with business goals

Remember, skills-based learning isn't an isolated initiative. It should be strategically aligned with your organization's overall business goals. Here's how to ensure your learning programs have a strategic impact:

  • Identify business objectives - Clearly define the specific business goals you aim to achieve through skills development.
  • Link learning objectives to business goals - Ensure that the skills targeted in your learning programs directly address the identified business needs.
  • Measure progress - Track the impact of learning initiatives on key performance indicators (KPIs) aligned with your business goals.

3. Customize learning content

Leverage the insights from your needs assessment to design customized learning content. This could include:

  • Microlearning modules - Short, focused lessons tackling specific skills, ideal for busy schedules.
  • Scenario-based learning - Present real-world situations employees might encounter, allowing them to apply new skills in a safe environment.
  • Mentorship programs - Connect experienced employees with those looking to develop specific skills.

4. Foster a continuous learning culture

Skills-based learning programs are a powerful tool, but they operate best within a supportive environment. Here's how to cultivate a continuous learning culture within your organization:

  • Leadership buy-in - Ensure leadership actively champions learning and development initiatives.
  • Learning incentives - Recognize and reward employees for their participation and progress in learning programs.
  • Make learning accessible - Integrate learning opportunities into the regular workflow, making them easily accessible during work hours.

5. Catering to diverse learning preferences

Employees learn in different ways. Cater to these diverse preferences by offering a variety of delivery methods, such as interactive workshops, job shadowing opportunities, online courses, and mentorship programs. 

Additionally, leverage technology-enabled learning platforms to provide on-demand access to learning materials and resources, promoting continuous skill development at employees' convenience.

6. Keep learners motivated

Learning shouldn't feel like a chore. Integrate elements that keep employees engaged:

  • Gamification - Incorporate points, badges, and leaderboards to foster healthy competition and boost motivation.
  • Social learning - Encourage peer-to-peer learning and knowledge sharing through online forums or discussion groups.
  • Real-world application - Design learning activities that allow employees to immediately apply new skills to their work.

Remember, effective skills-based learning is an ongoing process. Regularly evaluate your programs, gather feedback from participants, and adapt based on your findings. 

The importance of mentorship in skills-based learning 

Mentorship can be a game-changer in skills-based learning programs. It goes beyond traditional training by providing personalized guidance, feedback, and support to employees as they develop new skills. Mentors act as trusted advisors, offering insights, encouragement, and practical advice tailored to individual needs.

This results into a multitude of benefits, including:

  • Enhanced skill acquisition - Mentors provide hands-on guidance and answer specific questions that may arise during the learning process. This targeted approach accelerates skill development and knowledge retention.
  • Confidence-building - Mentors offer encouragement, celebrate wins, and help navigate challenges. This builds confidence and empowers employees to apply their newly acquired skills effectively.
  • Career development - Mentors can provide valuable career advice, help mentees set goals, and connect them with professional development opportunities.

While powerful, implementing mentorship programs within skills-based learning initiatives comes with challenges:

  • Mentor-mentee matching - Finding the right mentor-mentee pairings can be time-consuming. Matching needs to be based on skills, experience, and learning goals.
  • Program scalability - Ensuring sufficient mentors for a growing program can be difficult.
  • Accountability and tracking progress - Measuring the impact of mentorship on skill development requires a structured approach.

Effective program design, leadership support, and leveraging mentorship software solutions like Together can help overcome these challenges.

Together: Your skills-based learning partner

Together isn't just a platform; it's your partner in maximizing the impact of your skills-based learning programs through effective mentorship. Together streamlines the entire process by:

  • Facilitating mentor-mentee matching - Leverage smart algorithms to create optimal matches based on skills, experience, and preferences.
  • Simplifying scheduling - Seamless scheduling tools allow mentors and mentees to easily find meeting times that fit their busy schedules.
  • Setting goals and tracking progress - Together provides a collaborative goal-setting environment and tracks progress towards objectives, ensuring both parties stay focused and motivated.
  • Enhancing communication and collaboration - The platform fosters communication through chat functionalities, file sharing, and discussion boards, promoting knowledge transfer and collaboration.

Together goes beyond just managing logistics.  It empowers data-driven decision-making by:

  • Tracking skill development - Monitor mentee progress in acquiring new skills through integrated assessments and progress reports.
  • Assessing learning outcomes - Gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of your skills-based learning program and mentorship initiatives.
  • Personalizing training experiences - Use data gathered through Together to personalize learning journeys for employees based on their individual development needs.

By leveraging technology solutions like Together, you can unlock the full potential of mentorship within your skills-based learning programs, building a more skilled, engaged, and future-proof workforce.

Build a future-ready workforce

The need for a skilled and adaptable workforce has never been greater.  Skills-based learning offers a powerful solution, equipping your employees with the practical abilities they need to excel in their roles and contribute meaningfully to your organization's success.

However, remember, effective skill development goes beyond simply providing access to learning materials.  Personalized guidance and support are crucial for maximizing learning outcomes. That's where mentorship comes in.  

By incorporating mentorship programs into your skills-based learning initiatives, you provide employees with invaluable one-on-one support, boosting their confidence, accelerating skill acquisition, and fostering career development.

Together empowers you to take your skills-based learning programs to the next level.  Our user-friendly platform streamlines the entire mentoring process, from finding the perfect match to setting goals, tracking progress, and facilitating communication. With Together, you can leverage data-driven insights to personalize learning journeys and ensure your employees are equipped with the skills they need to thrive in the ever-changing world of work.

Ready to unlock the full potential of skills-based learning within your organization? Book 15-minute a demo with Together today and experience the power of personalized learning and mentorship firsthand.

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