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How Holcim MAQER Drives Career Growth for its Global Workforce

Discover how Holcim MAQER Ventures used the Together platform to connect employees worldwide through the Career Catalyst mentoring program. Learn about the program's impact on employee engagement, professional development, and global collaboration.

Nathan Goldstein

Co-founder of Together

Published on 

May 15, 2024

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Holcim MAQER Ventures, a global leader in construction, has a strong focus on innovation. The company used the Together platform to facilitate collaboration and knowledge sharing among its employees. One of the initiatives on this platform is the Career Catalyst program, which aims to connect employees from different parts of the world and provide them with meaningful career connections through mentorship. This case study will explore how Holcim utilized the Together platform to successfully run the Career Catalyst program and the impact it has had on its employees.


Several employees from Holcim MAQER Ventures shared their experiences with the Career Catalyst program. Julia Ehrier, Head of Holcim MAQER Ventures, explained that the company serves as a gateway for startups to connect with Holcim and also helps its businesses find solutions to their challenges. However, the company recognized the need for its employees to have a platform to share their experiences and connect with one another beyond geographical boundaries. This led to the development of the Career Catalyst program on the Together platform.

The Use of the Together Platform

Patrick Lester, a member of the Holcim team, described the Career Catalyst program as a mix between LinkedIn and Tinder. He mentioned that employees are matched on the platform and then take their mentorship journey forward. Kazei Kurda, another member of the team, added that the platform was a solution to the global need for meaningful career connections among Holcim employees. The Together platform allowed employees to create profiles and directly match with mentors, making the process seamless and efficient.

Watch the full video to see the impact of the Career Catalyst Program on Holcim employees:

Impact on Employees

Several employees shared their experiences with the Career Catalyst program and highlighted the positive impact it has had on their professional growth. Ruth Wanja, a mentee, stated that the program allowed her to network with peers and mentors from all over the world, something she had desired to do at Holcim. Hussein Mkahal, another mentee, emphasized that the program brought together talented individuals with incredible ideas and through mentorship, transformed these ideas into actionable, sustainable solutions.

The program also provided a platform for cross-learning, as Gulan Sherko, a mentor, mentioned. She highlighted how she and her mentee shared a passion for empowering women, and through the program, they were able to push and encourage each other to break barriers. Jagsir Dhaliwal, a mentee, shared how his mentor connected him with experts from Switzerland, providing him with valuable insights and aligning his goals with the company's goals.

Enriching Experience for Both Parties

Alexander Scheld, a mentor, shared his biggest takeaway from the program, which was the enriching experience of talking to mentees and understanding their challenges. He also highlighted how he, as a mentor, was able to help them overcome these challenges. Rene Marals, another mentor, emphasized how both parties actively learned from each other, regardless of their location or background.


The Career Catalyst program received positive feedback from its participants, with many expressing their willingness to recommend it to their colleagues. Jagsir Dhaliwal mentioned that he would definitely recommend the program, while Gulan Sherko added that it was a great cross-learning platform for all. Hussein Mkahal also shared how the program provided him with the opportunity to connect with the right mentor.


The Career Catalyst program on the Together platform has been a success for Holcim MAQER Ventures, providing its employees with a platform to connect and share their experiences. The program has empowered employees to take ownership of their career growth and has fostered cross-learning and collaboration among colleagues. With the success of this program, Holcim continues to demonstrate its commitment to innovation and employee development. As Patrick Lester concluded, "Get out there and share your experiences beyond boundaries."

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